Guide to Rechargeable Hearing Aids: Benefits and Price

You must have seen several cases of hearing loss where age actually becomes a number. It can develop gradually as you get older or it might occur all of a sudden at a very early age. Well, if you are or maybe any of your known ones are going through such a phase and looking […]
How to Choose the Best Hearing Aid for Yourself?

The hearing aid is a small electronic device that helps in dealing with hearing problems of people. The act of hearing is often taken for granted by all of us, but when you lose this sense is when you understand and appreciate its importance. The presence of hearing aids enables and improves the quality of […]
Understanding Hearing Aid Controls: The Key to Crystal-Clear Sound

It is unfortunate but true that hearing loss can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, making it difficult to communicate with others and enjoy various activities. Luckily, hearing aids can considerably improve your hearing ability! Most users benefit from having hearing aid control features like volume controls because they can turn up the level […]
Everything You Need to Know About How Often You Have to Replace a Hearing Aid

Hearing aids are devices that are used for one of the delicate parts of the body i.e your ears. So, giving your hearing device a complete check is very necessary. If you are one who has been using these hearing aids and struggling to know whether it’s time to update your hearing aids or how […]
Incidence and Prevalence of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is not a small problem that the world is facing. Though this problem does not sweep the world entirely off its feet, there are still many people with hearing problems. Disabling hearing loss refers to hearing loss in the better-hearing ears greater than 35 decibels (dB). Nearly 80% of people with hearing loss […]
In What Ways Hearing Aids Can Improve Your Social Life?

Almost everyone might hear about a hearing aid that helps you to hear better when you have a hearing loss. But do you know, it completely improves your social life and family relations and it also helps you to enjoy better physical and mental health. Usually, people who wear a hearing aid may seem daunting […]
What Level of Hearing Loss Requires a Hearing Aid: Complete Guide

The use of hearing aids is not new to us. But Myths and less awareness about hearing aids make our hearing loss recovery even worse. So, it’s time to put stop to all of them, and let’s understand it from the start. Hearing aids are used to amplify sound for individuals who have hearing loss. […]
The Best Ways to Prevent Hearing Loss and Protect Your Ears

What Is Hearing Loss? Hearing loss is a condition in which a person has trouble hearing. Hearing loss occurs when a person is unable to hear sound partially or fully, in either one or both of their ears. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 25% of people between the ages […]
The Complete Guide to Different Types of Hearing Aids and Which One is Best for You
If you are someone who is scouting for the best type of hearing aid, then this article is for you. Finding the correct type of hearing aid designed for you relies on your extent of hearing loss, lifestyle choices, and cosmetic factors. A hearing aid is a device that amplifies sound so that one can […]