Guide to Rechargeable Hearing Aids: Benefits and Price

You must have seen several cases of hearing loss where age actually becomes a number. It can develop gradually as you get older or it might occur all of a sudden at a very early age. Well, if you are or maybe any of your known ones are going through such a phase and looking for some depth information, you are at the right place. Yes, you read that right! So, without wasting any further time let’s get you on the marathon of the same.

For those of you who don’t know how it is caused, it is typically caused by damaged cochlear hair cells. Hair cells lose some of their function as we age, and our hearing power deteriorates. It can also be caused by brain damage, a hereditary predisposition, or chronic exposure to overly loud noise. Hearing loss is classified into three kinds.

  1. Sensorineural hearing loss happens when the auditory nerve or the inner ear is destroyed.
  2. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sounds cannot flow from the outer to the inner ear due to an obstruction such as earwax or injury to the eardrum or ossicular bones.
  3. Mixed hearing loss occurs when both sensorineural and conductive hearing loss occur in the same ear.

To all those strugglers, hearing aids come to the rescue and here is everything that you should know about this. These are classified into four varieties based on where they are worn in the ear.

1. Invisible In the Canal (IIC)

These are the most recent advancements in hearing aid technology and are made possible by the use of nanotechnology. The components are so small that when worn, these hearing aids are nearly unnoticeable, even from the sides.

2. Completely In the Canal (CIC)

The CIC is the smallest form of hearing aid and is ideal for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. It is a custom-built casing that houses all of the electronic components. The CIC has a short extension chord linked to the outside for easy removal and is completely automated.

3. Receiver In the Canal (RITE)

The RITE model is a recent advancement in hearing aid technology that is appropriate for medium to severe hearing loss. When compared to a traditional behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, the RITE’s receiver (the loudspeaker) is located in the ear tip rather than the housing, reducing its size.

4. Behind the ear (BTE)

If you have severe hearing loss or very small ear canals that make it impossible to place a complete hearing aid into your ear, the classic behind-the-ear model (BTE) is the best option. All of the electronic components of a traditional BTE device are housed in a casing behind your ear. Manual volume and programme-changing controls are located on the upper side of the hearing aid for convenient user access.

Hearing aids nowadays are either disposable, removable batteries or rechargeable batteries that cannot be removed.

  1. Rechargeable hearing aid batteries are removable and must be replaced every few days to weeks, depending on the hearing aid.
  2. Then comes rechargeable ones, which can be docked on a charger at night and never removed from the device. This type is also known as “rechargeable hearing aids” or “hearing aids with rechargeable batteries.”
  3. Lastly, there are rechargeable and disposable hearing aid batteries which are uncommon but are available. These batteries must be removed and charged at least once a day, and they must be replaced every few months and it requires a separate charger.

Let us tell you why Rechargeable Hearing Aids are more convenient

  1. People who do not wish to change their hearing aid batteries regularly can consider using rechargeable hearing aids.
  2. You’ll have all-day power without the inconvenience of fiddling with tiny, disposable cells or keeping spare batteries on hand.
  3. Digital hearing aids that are rechargeable are practical and simple to use. Simply charge them before going to bed, and they’ll be ready for you the next day.
  4. The rechargeable hearing aid price in India ranges from Rs. 3,000 and more. You can choose accordingly.

If you are using them or about to use them and wondering how to maintain them, here are a few tips for the same.

  1. Hands should be washed before handling.
  2. Keep your hearing aids in a secure, dry location away from children and pets.
  3. When you are not using your hearing aids, turn them off.
  4. Clean the battery contacts and remove any visible earwax or debris with a soft, clean cloth regularly.
  5. Regularly change filters or wax guards to eliminate wax and grime that might decrease sound quality.

From Where to Buy Rechargeable Hearing Aids?

If you are looking for a brand that can be your problem solver, try opting for Crystal Hearing Solutions which is a hearing aid company in Mumbai. It empowers people to hear and communicate better and their only goal is to hear better and live better.


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