Shipping Policy

Estimated delivery time depends on the availability of the product and the destination to which you want the product to be delivered.

Delivery may take longer due to:

  1. Bad weather
  2. Political Distruptions
  3. Other unforeseen circumstances

In such cases, we will proactively reach out to you. Please check your e-mails and SMS regularly for updates.

Before major occasions, we suggest that you place your order at least five days in advance.

Products that are hand delivered cannot be delivered along with courier products.

For perishable items like cakes we attempt delivery of your order only once. In the event the delivery is not executed during the attempt, you shall still be charged for the order and no re-delivery will be possible. We will consider the order executed in the below cases:

  • Wrong shipping /delivery address.
  • Recipient not available.
  • Premises locked.
  • Recipient refusing to accept the delivery.

In case if the recipient is not available, he / she can inform the delivery person to deliver the order to the gate/reception/neighbor.

Proof of delivery will be provided in case of any dispute in delivery.

Deliveries are made on Sundays and on Public Holidays for products that are delivered by hand.

If there is no one available at the shipping addresses to accept the delivery of your order at the time of delivery, the order will not be considered late. Hence in such cases, no refunds, cancellations, liability can be made. We will surely try our best as mentioned below-

  • Call the recipient to schedule an appropriate delivery time.
  • Leave a note on the recipient’s door asking them to contact the florist to schedule a delivery time.
  • Leave the bouquet/arrangement in a covered, secure area of the home (porch, garage, or other entrance)
  • Leave the bouquet/arrangement with a neighbor and place a message on the recipient’s door with this information.
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